1911 Scottish Census Coming…

The 1911 Scottish Census will be released 5 Apr 2011. More than 4.7 million Scots provided information for this census. Is your ancestor one of them?

What will you be able to find in this census? Details from Scotlands People below:

The records will include the name, address, age, occupation, birthplace and marital status of everyone counted in the 1911 census, as well as details about their children. For the first time, the census data will be presented in full colour rather than black and white.

It will cost 1 credit to view an index entry for the 1911 census. An image will cost 5 credits. Unlike previous censuses, the image spans two pages due to the additional questions that were asked about the fertility of marriage and the profession or occupation. Each page measures 34 cm long by 43 cm high so the images are best viewed on your computer screen or if printed, on size A3 paper.

I’ve used Scotlands People myself to find my Scottish ancestors on my paternal grandfather’s side of the family. It’s a great resouce, easy to use, and well worth the money for a family historian with Scottish ancestry who can’t get over to Edinburgh.